Intro: Ben Lang and Looking Ahead for the Notion Community
Ben started out as an enthusiastic community member after discovering the power of Notion. His passion for the product and learning with and from the community led him to an opportunity to join Notion as a community leader. After several years focused primarily on community programs for super fans, Ben and the leadership team wanted to build a strategy to engage and empower a broader community. They called on Erica for her deep expertise with the Salesforce community and other B2B tech communities.

Ben Lang
“We were trying to think a few years out. We had always been very much in the weeds, and thinking about next quarter, or next half. We wanted an expert to help us look at the bigger picture together.”
the work
With Erica’s help, the Notion team was able to look several steps ahead to create long-term strategy.
Step back and connect the dots.
Erica helped the team zoom out, look at all the puzzle pieces, and make strategic decisions about what matters most.
As a tech company that serves both businesses and consumers, the team leveraged Erica’s expertise to guide strategic decisions about where and how to invest in broader community engagement.
The ultimate outcome of Erica’s work with Notion is a clear, multi-year plan that leaders across the organization are aligned with and excited to support.
IN BEN'S words: working with Erica
“Erica is truly honestly a fantastic person to work with. She’s a wonderful awesome thought partner, great at bouncing ideas, and able to add value on both strategic and tactical levels. I find myself constantly recommending her to companies looking to build a community strategy.”